Saturday, December 27, 2008

the wee's love the wii!

Santa was good to us this year...we left him cookies and our wishes for the Wii and low and behold there was one under the tree this year.

In less than 2 days, Gabe has taken Pro status at bowling. He reminds us regularly that he's the only one in the family that's a pro.

Ava can kick anyone's butt in boxing though. She runs in place as fast as she's punching. She had multiple knock outs on Christmas night. She played until her stomach hurt and her cheeks were bright red.

I am not a video gamer, and I am not coordinated at all. I've found I can barely break 100 at bowling, can't catch a fish in fishing, hit a ball in base ball...I was nowhere near as good as Ava in boxing, but it did get my heart rate up. Tennis seems to be my game so far, but I'm far from an expert. Here's me attempting to box (note the sweet headband since I never got around to showering...nice!).

Joe is coordinated. He can't beat Gabe at bowling, but is quite the shooter. He also kicks butt on cow racing, and he'll out fish any of us. I think it may be the hat...

Wii aside, we had a wonderful Christmas! We attended a lovely Holiday party on Tuesday night at my friend Carla's. I've been waiting for over 10 years to re-gift this sweet white elephant and finally got my chance. Who doesn't need pink satin pillow shams? Needless to say, it was a hit.

My parents arrived on Christmas Eve. We visited and ate...then headed to Silver Bay for dinner with Joe's family. The kids went sledding until they were absolutely frozen. Fun!

Christmas day was actually relaxing (ha! my mom cooked, lucky me!!!) The kids were really good and patient waiting for the Wii to be setup. I got out to cross-country ski with my friend Robin. A 45 min ski and Blue Moon later, life was good. Dinner was fabulous followed by a visit from Tara and Charlie and more Wii action.

Now we're getting ready for down hill lessons for the kids today. Mom and Dad are heading home. It's been a nice wrap up to 2008. Thanks for a wonderful Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

letting you know that WE so enjoying the wii so much too--even if I spent most of the time watching and laughing at all who tried--We also enjoyed all the good food (even what I cooked)and visiting with everyone--Thanks again for a wonderful holiday--Mom

Carla Meneghini said...

I am fulfilling my new years resolution and will be a faithful weedragonflies follower! Had a great time with you and Joe and kids at the New Year's Eve bash. Have some good pics to share with you too :) -Carla