Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A few days ago my friend Gina tagged me...the game is to take the sixth folder from the pictures file on your computer and pull up the sixth picture and post it. Of course the 6th folder only had 5 pictures in it...why do I even have that folder? So here's a picture from folder number 7. Appropriately one from Christmas, 2005. This was taken at Bentleyville which was a wonderful tour of lights setup by a local family on their property. Literally, there are over a million Christmas lights not to mention hot chocolate, s'mores and Santa. It was really fun and I kinda forgot about it. Thanks for tagging me, Gina.
If you look closely you'll see that Ava is wearing her sweet running shoes and neither have snow pants...nice job, mom. I hope it was a warm December in 2005.

I tag Amy and Katie if you want to play!

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