Monday, March 23, 2009

growing up

Every milestone Gabe hits is something new and exciting, yeah, he's growing up! Second child, not so much. I know I'm not having any more babies, so I seem to be hanging on to every baby thing about her for as long as I can. I know this is probably not a good thing, but I can't help it.

My kids lose their teeth early. Ava lost her two bottom front teeth last year. Not terribly traumatic, you hardly notice and those come back in quickly with two new kind of little teeth. Her top front tooth has been loose for a while. I keep telling her "don't wiggle it" I'm not ready for you to get rid of your baby teeth yet. It finally came out with an apple over the weekend. Now she has the gaping hole soon to be replaced by the big, awkward, too big for her mouth tooth. Uggh! But, she's pretty darn proud of that big hole in the front of her mouth right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she's growing up, but it's kind of bittersweet.

Over the weekend we went to our friend's for dinner. We've known Laura and Kevin since our pre-kid days. We met while running our dogs in hunt tests. Laura was kind enough to snap a picture and send it my way. Looking at how these 4 have grown makes my heart sink a little. What happened to our babies?

Ava, Gabby, Gabe & Bianca

Saturday, March 14, 2009

wine country

I just returned from an awesome trip! A true girls weekend. Tara and I met in Sacramento and had the time of our lives. We toured wine country, met some awesome people, drank delicious wine and ate wonderful food. In four days we hit 26 wineries! We did zero shopping, which is unheard of. We ate 5 course meals, sipped champagne, saw the giant redwoods and stayed in a cabin in the mountains overlooking a beautiful valley. We brought two cases of wine home and have one more on the way. We spoiled ourselves silly and loved every minute of it. A HUGE thanks to my hubby. He more than handled the craziness while I was away and had no qualms about all the cash I spent. The pictures I took barley captured the beauty that was every place we turned around, but you get the idea. Cheers T! I had a blast!!!

first stop on Wine Road

So happy to be at her favorite stop...Robert Sinskey

our view from the front porch...thanks Doug!
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

crabby faces

Madeline was over for a play date the other day. Sometimes I think her and Ava could pass for sisters, look at those curls. I hadn't had my camera out for a long time, so this seemed like a good opportunity to pick it up. Gabe and Maddie decided to do crabby faces, easily my favorite!