Friday, January 23, 2009

just no time

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks where there is just no time??? I am having that week right now! So I'll take 5 minutes of my lunch just to say, I mean to blog and post pictures from the kids' ski race just like I mean to finish the taxes, pay the bills, do laundry and help Gabe correctly make a regatta boat for Cub Scouts, but there is just no time. I want to have game night, play the Wii with the kids, go skiing, clean my closet, take some pictures, finish my book, but I cannot find the time. When would I possibly plan a vacation, paint the hallway, re-paint the stairway, frame and hang pictures? I haven't got the time! I'd really like to start thinking about adding on to our house, have a girls retreat at our house (that means cleaining - no time for that), go visit my college friends, but I feel like there is no time. Mind you, I have no idea where all the time is going. Really, I think I may be just too lazy after work at 7:00 when dinner is done and and the kitchen is cleaned up. Hip hip hooray for longer days! They cannot come soon enough. I'll get back to you few faithful readers, as soon as I find the time...

Monday, January 5, 2009

so long '08

Whew! The holidays are already here and gone. For the first time ever I took a substantial amount of time off around the holidays to do nothing in particular except enjoy myself and hang out with my kids. Mission accomplished! My time off with them to just do whatever was wonderful. When I tucked Gabe in last night he told me he was sure they'd talk about in school what they did over break. We started listing stuff, and wow, we had fun!

visits to and from grandparents
holiday get togethers with friends (with and without kids)
cross country skiing on my sweet backyard trail (Ava's on skis and loving it!)
mommy skiing on real trails
downhill skiing
downhill ski racing (just the kids)
many visits with aunts, uncles and cousins
a new snowmobile (yes, I caved)
refined wii skills (fishing anyone? I am a silver medalist now)
SORRY tournaments
sleep in! (Yes, I'm human again!)
reading chapter books ("just one more chapter...!")
movies, movies, movies!

We had a great time on New Years Eve at Julie & Dave's, however I didn't commit to a resolution. Being the best me, or living your best life as Oprah would say (yes, I had a little TV watching time too) seems to be the one that stuck. After reading Kim's blog, I've decided that I'm stealing this line from her: When something seems stressful, ask yourself if it will matter in twenty years, five years, one year or even a week.

Ah hah! Now we are on to something. Very smart, Kim. That goes well with my recently adopted mantra of "not helpful, not helpful, not helpful" when I'm having thoughts strangling someone if I have to wipe one more glob of toothpaste off the counter or pee off the toilet seat. Just focus on Gabe's big brown, long lashed eyes and Ava's sweet little face and remember that they won't let you plant kisses on them forever. They are not always going to tell you that you are the best mommy in the whole wide world. Someday they will ignore you rather than run to you with open arms when you enter a room. My 2009 resolution is to do my best to be the best me I can, to remember when I'm ready to rant that it's usually not helpful and to think how will this matter twenty years from now, or even next week.

Happy 2009 everyone! And what's a post without a picture or two? Here's what I dug up from '08.

Ava's first play date. Nice moves Chloe!

What would spring break be without tattoos?

Getting ready to zip through the jungle in Belize

Gabe's mini-birthday party at the campground

Ava's first soccer game - thumbs up!

Now that's a lot of grandkids!

My girls getting ready for the spa - open your eyes Car, we haven't even gotten to the wine yet!

Grandma and Grandpa with my sweet girl, Sophia

Seriously, the best 2008 picture of T&C? Getting a good pic of you 2 and of me and my pal is on my '09 list for sure!

Let's not forget the wine tasting. 'Nice Rack' stickers complements of Lee

Celebrating 10 years of wedded bliss in Belize.
Here's to a fabulous year, Joe (even though you don't read my blog) and many more happy you!

piccoli mostri

Oh yeah, right, like I really speak Italian. I wish I did! Piccoli mostri I am told translates to little monsters and is the name of the blog of one of my newest friends, Carla. Somehow between hosting parties, going to school, student teaching and managing the lives of 3 active kids, Carla has found time at the end of this holiday season to start a blog. Get this, her resolution this year was to follow my blog more I think that is funny!

Carla's daughter goes to school with Ava. She and I met through the girls. I'm happy to say we've become fast friends. She's fun loving, witty, creative and never quits smiling. I was lucky to get into her circle of friends since she informed me early on that she has a lot of friends and is only accepting fun seekers; no fun suckers! I can't wait to read about all your adventures, Carla!

wherever did you find such a sweet hat...?!