Wednesday, September 24, 2008

happy birthday Tara!

Today my good friend Tara is thirty something... um... uh, I mean 26! Several of us surprised her at the Boat House for dinner. Enjoy your day Tara! (as much as you can at work that is) XOXOXO

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

together again

This Friday I am meeting my college roommates for a long deserved girls weekend. We are gathering at Lezlie's house for a 2.5 day retreat, including dinner out and an afternoon visit to the spa. I cannot wait! It's been well over a year since the 4 of us have been together. I'm not sure how many years it's been since we've been together where none of us have been pregnant or breast feeding...look out world!!! I'll bring my camera with, but no guarantees on pictures. There's a lot of wine to be poured and stories to be told and few precious hours to get it all in! See you all Friday!!!

Me, Carrie, Lezlie and Amy at Lezlie's baby shower 7/2007.
That's as big as I've ever seen Lez! Her twins, now almost
a year old, are beautiful!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

school daze

The first day of school has come and gone, but I just started this whole blog thing, so why not start there. The Gabester is in 2nd grade! Where has the time gone??? Ava is working through her second year of preschool. She just missed the cutoff for kindergarten, but she's pretty happy being one of the big kids in her second year at CCP.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

me...a blogger???

Holy cow! I did it!!! After years of watching my tech savy friends blog and blog and blog, I finally came up with a name and took the leap! Yeah for me!!!

The name...
I have two wee ones, G & A. While they are not so "wee" anymore, they will always be my babies and wee to me. I've always had a fascination with dragonflies. They are interesting to watch, cool to look at and, as far as bugs go, not annoying. Plus they eat mosquitoes - a bonus. Did you know in Japan they represent courage, strength and happiness? So there you have it. Posts that will be comprised mainly of stories of my "WeeDragonflies". Those fascinating, cool, amazing, strong, courageous, happy (albeit sometimes annoying...) little people that call me Mom.

I will do my best to be a faithful blogger. I will try not to bore you with my ramblings, yet get my point across and share the current events & pics from our funny little home. More to come...