Tuesday, November 11, 2008

is anybody out there?

I admit to what my husband reminds me on a regular basis, I have no patience. I want to instantly be good at everything I attempt. So as I spend my somewhat limited free time adding posts to my blog, I can't help but wonder (average 0 comments per post, average 21 seconds per visit) am I just talking to myself? I would expect to have hundreds of regular readers and thousands of comments on each of my posts by now. I started this way back in September and, after all, I'm wildly entertaining, and why would you not want to read about my daily life and see dozens of pictures of my kids, comment on each post and include a link to my blog on your blog so people from all over the world will come read about my life...???

Ok, that was really ridiculous. Seriously, just like most everyone else, I do this to keep my friends and family up to date and let them catch a glimpse of what's going on in our crazy little world. It makes sense to me since they can't all be here with me where I feel they belong. For those of my friends and family that actually access the internet, it has worked out well. But, sigh, there are many that sadly do not, leaving me here talking to myself.

Like every problem in the world, this can be Googled. I found that it is suggested you gain loyal readers by having contests, starting lists, writing witty, opinionated posts and calling for comments with inquisitive questions, or by adding value to your post with links to other cool stuff.

Here you go. Value added, TA DA!!! Some kind of cool stuff I came across, and despite potentially decreasing my odds of winning, I will share with you - createdbymom.com (some really cute stuff and a great concept) by just adding a comment to her blog (and to your blog), you could win one of these sweet handmade pendants...there were only about 10 comments when I visited, so that's a pretty good chance of winning. Drawing's on Saturday, check it out!
I'm sure my friend Carla, who is a skilled stained glass artist, is dying to make me a cute little star like this. But I could never ask her to stop her late night studying, so I'll try to win one of my very own, you can too, go here and add a comment :)

Sorry, Mom, no new pix of the grand kids in this post. But for the rest of you, how's that for value added? Finding giveaways just may be my new obsession! I love free stuff, who doesn't? You never know when I may add tips, tricks, or other interesting, potentially useful information to my blog. Come back soon!!!


Amy said...

I'M HERE!!! And I'm here every day looking for a little nugget that will tell me what you're up to. I love to read your posts, and I promise that going forward, I will let you know that I have been here. :o) And thanks for the "value added" section...I think I want a star, too.

Anonymous said...

i'm here too. :) i'm so bad at commenting!

TY said...
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TY said...

Tada, Tara is here...OK that was my attempt at being a 'fancy Nancy'. LOL. I thought you were posting Carla's blog...thought you were holding out on me for a second. She should make those stars, they are super cool.

Carla Meneghini said...

If I have time for two new years resolutions (the first one being that I will check in on the weedragonflies blogspot regularly and now wait until I see Heather in person to find out what she is up to) I will make stars for you beautiful girls.