Friday, October 17, 2008

wow i'm old

Yesterday I turned 37. Wow, that is frighteningly close to 40. My mom must feel really old! I did have a great day though, aside from working that is. I got an early happy birthday call (song included) from my friend Robin, followed by a special floral delivery (thanks Robin!!!). A beautiful bouquet from Tara and delicious lunch at Hacienda to boot (so much for my noon workout...please pass the chips and salsa!) Joe got me a new lens for my camera. I sort of "helped" him pick it out, and it conveniently arrived right on my birthday. Thanks babe! My kids made lovely cards and gave me extra hugs and kisses! Trevor caught me with a quick call before I headed out the door to dinner that Joe arranged (with maybe a little help from Tara?) with Tara and Charlie at the Scenic. Oh so yummy! Not to mention some sweet gifts from my mom (thank you!!!) and Tara (love everything!) Another year older and maybe a tad wiser? I would like to think so. I appreciate the little things more each day and try to not take them for granted. Great friends & family, good food & wine, some pretty flowers...those things make me happy. Thanks again everyone for making my day special.

1 comment:

beanski said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you love your lens and that you guys have a great time at the Beer/Wine Tasting tonight! Have a glass for me!

We'll have to get together and go shooting sometime soon.