Friday, October 3, 2008

my baby is turning 5

Five years ago today I was on my way to work and called Joe to tell him that I was pretty sure the contractions I was having were real. I came into work and let my boss know "I think I'm in labor, but I've got an appointment at 9:00, so we'll see." Saw the doctor at 9. Yes, the contractions are real, dilated to a 2, "can I go back to work to finish a few things up?", NO. By around 3:30 (no, I don't remember the exact time, that happens with kid #2) little Miss Ava Catherine was born. Now I'm the proud mommy of an adorable, sweet, ambitious, fun-loving, dramatic little princess. I wonder on a regular basis what happened to my baby? Could she stay little just a little bit longer? She reminds me regularly though, "I'll always be your baby, Mom". I love you so much, sweet Ava. Have a wonderful Birthday! ~mommy

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