Monday, October 27, 2008

uss freedom

that's Gabe in the front row with his arms up in the air...nice

I desperately tried to discourage Gabe from joining Cub Scouts. Why? Because it requires a ton of parent involvement, which frankly I was not sure I could handle. I've come to accept my "bad mom" status when it comes to activities. Running every night and weekend is something we've tried to avoid with the "one activity" rule. With any luck, that activity will not put me in the concession stand or working a carnival booth. When Gabe said no to every other activity offered as a Cub Scout alternative, we sucked it up and committed ourselves to weekly pack/den meetings and an onslaught of activities on top of that. I begrudgingly signed up as "secretary" to avoid being chief popcorn sales girl, pine derby officiant and all star decorator at the plethora of awards banquets. You see, secretary gets you off the hook for all other volunteer duties. As it should be, since I've spent hours making spreadsheets and emailing people about dues and forms. That said, the "bad" part hasn't been that bad.

Now for the good. My little boy is really quite good at walking up to strangers doors and requesting a contribution to his pack by way of buying overpriced popcorn (note, he only got 3 "no thank you's"). He politely requested we stay in the car on delivery day, "I can handle it". When duty calls, aka there's a meeting, he proudly and quickly (which is impressive for Gabe) dons his uniform, "ready to go". Last night at 5:15 I got a voice mail message (I don't check my voice mail much) that if I could get Gabe into town by 6:00, in uniform, he could tour the USS Freedom The ship is not doing public tours while docked here, so what a great opportunity. He loved it! Especially when he got to announce to the entire ship, "Commander, please dial 3003". HA!

Moral of the story perhaps, don't knock it until you try it? More importantly, lessons learned... appreciate the little things and learn to laugh more and complain less. That can help make life oh so good :) Happy Monday!!!

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