Saturday, October 23, 2010

my girls

A couple weekends ago I met up with my college roommates for a wonderful weekend in Bayfield. We get together each fall. No matter where it is we meet, we always manage to have a great time. Lezlie invited us to stay at her brother-in-law's lake cottage. It was so gorgeous...4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a beautiful view of the lake, complete with spectacular sunrise each morning. We went to Madeline Island for lunch, enjoyed the scenery and met some interesting locals. Back in Bayfield, somehow we talked right through the dinner hour...well Lez napped a little too (she doesn't do well when we feed her vodka before noon).

We stayed up late, talked non-stop and Sunday morning enjoyed our books in the cozy living room. I love these girls so much. Love that we can pick right up where we left off the last time without hesitation. Love that we can practically predict each other's behavior and typically finish each other's sentences. Love that they are so easy to be around. I am so blessed to have these beautiful, sweet, funny, caring, humble, thoughtful, crazy, charismatic women in my life. Thanks for a lovely weekend girls. One that was so good for my spirit and my soul. I love you all and can't wait for the next one!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love you, brought a little tear to my eye (sniff). Seriously.