Sunday, September 12, 2010

still remodeling

Yesterday was a big day on the addition project, we broke through. OK, Joe & Bud broke through, but you knew what I meant. They took out the windows of the existing house to re-purpose them in the addition. I'm not sure why I thought we'd have a lovely view of the addition from the house during this entire project. In my mind everything would be perfectly contained until the momentous day when the other side was done. Um, no. Of course not. That would leave gaping holes in two other places in the addition - duh. So out came the windows and now we look directly into blue styrofoam. Kind of cave-like really. The good news is that when it was all opened up, it was so nice! Our architect really focused on making this not seem like an addition, and he did good! It has a great open flow and feel (after you hurdle the existing wall that is).

Here's the view from dining room to the soon to be new kitchen.

Joe has spent a heap of time concentrating on curb appeal. From the roof lines, shingles, siding and even door styles and color. I can't wait for the siding to really see how it all ties together.

Here we are in the backyard. I think it's so funny how whenever I hold up my camera my kids stop and pose until they hear the click. Keep movin' Ava, just taking a picture of the house. Look, I had to take 2 pictures because I couldn't get back far enough with the 50mm. You get the general idea.

So far, I love this project. Don't get me wrong, it's been a ton of work, mainly for Joe. I know my time is coming with painting and staining, and maybe I won't love it so much then. It's so much different from when we built the house though. I think we actually learned from some of our mistakes the first time around.

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