Monday, September 20, 2010

run a 10k, check

Actually, it was 6.6 miles but "run a 6.6 mile run" wasn't as catchy as "run a 10k". Anyway....I had so much fun running Bangin' in the Brush, a 6.6 mile trail run at the Korkki Nordic ski trail. I love skiing at the Korkki. It is by far my favorite place to ski. Being out there without snow was fun. A completely different perspective. I had no trail running experience to speak of and had never run further than 3 miles in my life, so this was challenging for me. The trail was wet and MUDDY, hilly and treacherous. It was a gorgeous day though. I managed through the mud, only tripped twice and came out in one piece. The winners got homemade cookies! They also gave away a ton of raffle prizes from fresh baked bread and homemade honey to new cross country skis! Plus they give you beer at the end...bonus!

Once again my cousin-in-law, Jen, joined me. We agreed this run was one to do again. Maybe I am a runner after all...

1 comment:

Amy said...

Way to go, girls!! If I would have known, I would have tried to come up to lead the cheering section (and for the post-race entertainment!)!