Sunday, January 2, 2011

Family Picture Attempt

This year Joe and I took a majority of the week between Christmas and New Years off. Typically the kids split their break time between us and daycare, but this year we were with them everyday. It was a great combination of relaxing, playing hard and getting things done.

I had a pretty specific list of things I wanted to try to do while I was off. Set up my new computer (which arrived Christmas Eve!) was number one. I have wanted/needed this for so long, but the whole getting it set up part is about the furthest thing from fun for me. I work for a software company. When I get a new computer, someone else sets it up for me. Despite my dread, it was quick and painless. Of course I haven't actually transferred any files from my old PC yet...

Running a close 2nd on the to do list was to take a picture of the four of us. I was dreading this almost as much as setting up the computer. The thought of trying to get us all looking decent, finding good light and background, dealing with the tripod (which I hate) and actually locating the remote for my camera were just a few of the reasons I found for why this wouldn't work. And here's just one reason my husband is awesome; he knew I wanted to do this, and he encouraged and helped me make it happen. We were nearly late for Christmas Eve dinner because he insisted I continue to try to get 'the shot'. Which I never actually got. While I was hoping for something amazingly perfect, the light was challenging and cutting off my own head was a recurring theme (it's really hard to compose a picture with an imaginary person in it). But, it was fun. I love Joe for pushing me to do the things I love.

Ava's forever the helper. Here's my test shot. Probably my favorite picture out of all 61 that I took.

New #1 on my to do...get someone else to take our picture.

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