If you don't already know Tara personally, you've certainly read about her here. She is one of my best friends. She comes to my house and cooks, cleans, plays with my kids, puts them to bed and reads them stories. She snowboards, loves to fish, makes jewelry, and has become a self-taught photographer, learning more with her camera in a matter of months than I have in years. She's the type of person who can do anything she sets her mind to, and at times I'm completely jealous of that. She's ambitious, fun loving, energetic and outgoing. She kicks butt and cribbage but sucks at scrabble. She'll finish off a bottle of wine with me any day of the week, no questions asked.
So why am I posting all of this? It's not Tara's birthday, we haven't done anything significant together lately. In fact, we've seen very little of each other, and most of the time I miss her like crazy. But Tara has been on my mind. She is going through some tough times these days. She's experiencing a lot of difficult change. I have a hard time showing how much I really support her, because frankly I don't do well with change at all. At times I feel like the big sister, shaking my head a little while she jumps in with both feet to find out if she will sink or swim (which I truly admire that she can do by the way). And most of the time, she does swim.
XOXO my good friend, keep swimming!
Heather, I love you so much. I am crying at 914 am though that was very sweet.
Love you Tara, the good thing is that life doesn't stay the same for very long. I'm confident your best years are ahead of you my dear! -C
I feel a LOT of the same emotions about my girl Tara right now. She WILL swim and we'll all get used to the new girl. As long as she's happy, I'm happy.
You are a good friend, Heather.
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