1) Any good Christmas card making websites? I have the picture. I was hoping to find a cool website to create the card, but haven't had time to look around (maybe I should do that instead of blogging...) I can go the old slim line route as a last ditch effort of course, but I was hoping for something unique. Anyone?
2) What should I get my kids? I know, I should know better than anyone else what to get them, but they have so much. I think I'm really starting to fear clutter (again, see previous post). We're toying with the Wii idea. I haven't even started to investigate though, and I truly am clueless. What is the bare minimum I need to get to avoid a war between 2 kids on Christmas morning? Can I even get one still and where? Will my 5 year old girl enjoy it? Or would Santa be really ripping her off this year?
I'm sure I have more questions, but my brain is ready to shutdown. I found a few pictures from previous years Christmas cards that I thought worth sharing. My how they have grown. Don't ask me what happened to 2004 though?
i like tiny prints for cards. if you want i can make you some that look similar but are cheaper.
my parents have a wii and it's a lot of fun. i think they are easier to find this year. it's a really good family gift - i would check on the minimum age thing though, i'm pretty clueless about kids over the age of 2 and what they like/don't like. :)
1. I'm one of the least creative people on the planet when it comes to cards, so I'm probably no help. I normally use walmart.com (they're the cheapest) or kodakgallery.com. Lots of designs for your basic card, and a couple different sizes to choose from.
2. I think your kids- both of them- would love a Wii. As would you and Joe. I know a family with a 6 year old boy and a 5 year old girl who absolutely love it. They have 2 remotes so that they can play against eachother. I can check into what games they have, but I know for sure they've got MarioCart and a sports combo with bowling, tennis, golf and boxing (my favorite- I'm GOOD!).
3. Love seeing the old cards...I may have to steal your idea and do the same post!
1. I have a 20% off coupon for shutterfly. I don't do holiday cards, so I am the wrong girl to ask. LOL. However, I can't wait for a new picture this year so I can update the one I have had on my fridge from 07 of the kidz.
2. My vote is for the Wii...Ava is a genius, she will catch on quick. Plus I can just add that to the 1 million other reasons why I should come over.
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