A quick look back at Christmas. Ava looks like one of the Price is Right girls presenting her brother here.
Gabe wanted a mohawk in the worse way. When he got his haircut before Christmas, Darcy kept agreeing that she'd give him one. Meanwhile I'm standing behind him shaking my head at her - no way! She cut it so he could get it to stand up with a lot of product. He was a little disappointed that it wasn't a "real mohawk". Bless Darcy's heart for convincing him it was a unique kind of mohawk and he needed to own it.
Hmm...peace dude or rabbit ears???
We went skiing, cross country and downhill, a lot this winter. We took the kids to Giants Ridge and Powder Horn along wih the local hills. They did great! Ava joined me on a few jaunts at Korkki Nordic on the skinny skis. The girl has some natural ability and real potential. I'm looking forward to having her as a ski partner. Gabe took snowboard lessons. I have a feeling he'll be pushing to do more of that next year. Our last outdoor winter adventure was sledding a few weeks ago with the Meneghini's. We had fun! Well right up until the point that Carla had a major wipeout that is. I didn't get a picture of her taking the jump on a saucer. Trust me, she had some major air going.
Paul and Kasey cruising.
Just as cute upsidedown!
I have about 100 pictures of Joe with various kids piled onto one sled. They have the same expression in every single picture. Love it :)
That's enough about winter. On to spring!!!
As I was sitting here working on this, I looked out the window and saw the kids on their bikes. My camera was right there. How could I not go snap a few pictures to capture these gorgeous kids enjoying another beautiful early spring day (thank you Mother Nature!) .
Living in the country in the spring means mud boots. Ava can make them work with any outfit. Pre-ride warm up?
I'm happy it's spring. I can't wait for summer. Now it's my turn to go enjoy the day!